HER STORY ⟡ Michelle Taylor

Today, we are meeting Michelle Taylor, owner of Bonded!


Why I started: 

I started with Bonded, permanent jewlery in Utah doing brand photography. I fell in LOVE with everything they were doing. So, after moving across the country, I started Bonded Charlotte because I was lonely and looking for my own way to connect in a new city. I wanted to do something that aligned with who I am and elevating others and connections are the core of everything for me! 


What I love about being a business owner:

I love that I get to connect and collaborate with other women business owners. The community of women business owners is AMAZING! I LOVE that I have full control on the direction of my business. I get to affect change immediately!


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

I want every single person who interacts with Bonded to leave feeling better/at a higher frequency than when they walked in. We are in the business of elevating and connection.


Who or what inspires you?

Women. Literally we are so freaking amazing! Specifically, women who are doing the hard shit to fight for the life they want and deserve. The women who are open minded, making mistakes, learning, and lifting everyone around them up.


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Everyone is doing the best that they can. Turn off the comments, focus on the feedback from those in the arena, not those in the peanut gallery.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is showing up in your full, loved, authentic self.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business? 

Your greatest happiness is already inside you. To serve in the capacity that you want, you must learn to love yourself unconditionally so you can show up in your power.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

We are all in this together! We are all stumbling along doing our very best and if we just keep going, keep pushing through the hard, focused in community, we literally have the power to change the world for the better!


You can see Michelle and her Bonded team at every signature event with The Beauty Boost Charlotte this year! Come check them at during the Social Soiree on March 21st at Hi-Wire Brewery. You can also visit their website https://bondedcharlotte.com/


HER STORY ⟡ Dr. Thalia


HER STORY ⟡ Sisters and Spirits