Use our Internal Teams Organizational Tips for your Week Ahead!

Hey Gal! 

Today is all about one of my favorite topics: ORGANIZATION. 


I LOVE this topic because if you're NOT organized it can cause chaos, stress, overwhelm, dread and overall ick. 

If you ARE organized, it can create peace, higher productivity + efficiency and overall calmness.


I manage a team of 29 city owners and we often go over organizational tips on our monthly one on one calls. I find this to be the biggest block for most people. 


Here's some tips below

  1. Use your online calendar wisely! I color code my TBB events red, my workouts blue and my personal events pink. I time block all meetings, workouts and personal gatherings for the week ahead as much as possible and I try to audit that I'm not overdoing it and leave some nights free.

  2. Clean environment= Clean mind. Give yourself some slack here but I do my best to not let things add up meaning…when I have dirty dishes I put them directly into the dishwasher. I vacuum every other day b/c I usually have 3 shedding dogs in my home. I do laundry a couple times a week and fold clothes while I watch Tiktok:) Mainly the point is I try to keep things minimal to what I actually use, declutter and stay tidy because my environment deeply affects me.

  3. Set your week up for success. I make sure I head into the week with groceries, workout clothes ready, list of focused items for work and on. If I don't do these things ahead of time it feels chaotic.

  4. Tackle the crap you don't really want to do. I find that we can allow mental clutter to deplete us. We THINK about all the things we need to do and allow it to drain us. In reality, these tasks probably don't take that long so just know that even though you don't feel like doing them, just dive in. You'll surprise yourself.

  5. Build in Transition time. Give yourself gaps in your calendar to transition from one meeting/item to the next. I like to allow a 10-15 minute buffer.

  6. Look at your day and your tasks and associate time blocks to each. Otherwise you'll have an on-going list that isn't realistic and leave you feeling worthless at the end of the day.

Hope these help! 


HER STORY ⟡ Dominika of Baltic Bronze Sunless Tan


HER STORY ⟡ Amanda Kleckley